We’ve compiled a list of questions that customers often ask.

General | Enrollment & Opt-Out | Rates & Billing | Commercial, Agricultural & Industrial Customers | Solar & NEM Customers | Governance | SMUD Agreement | PG&E Bankruptcy Filing | Glossary


What is Valley Clean Energy?
How does it work?
Is VCE more expensive than PG&E?
What is the difference between an Investor Owned Utility (IOU) such as PG&E and Public Owned Utility (POU) such as VCE?
Does VCE replace PG&E?
Why was I automatically transferred to VCE?
Do other Community Choice Aggregation agencies like VCE exist in California?
What community reinvestment is VCE involved in?
How can I Opt Up to 100% carbon free and renewable energy?
Where does VCE buy clean electricity?
Isn’t renewable electricity more expensive than electricity from traditional sources?
Will PG&E lose jobs as result of VCE?

Enrollment & Opt-Out

When and where is VCE service available?
Am I enrolled in VCE?
Why am I automatically enrolled in VCE?
How do I opt out of VCE?
Can I return to VCE if I opt out?

Rates & Billing

What are VCE's rates?
How does VCE set its rates?
How can VCE offer competitive rates?
Will I still receive my CARE, FERA, or Medical Baseline discounts with VCE?
Will I still receive EV rates for my electric vehicle with VCE?
Do I get billed separately by VCE?
What is the PCIA?
What is UltraGreen?
How does VCE’s Customer Dividend Program Work?
Can PG&E raise delivery fees on VCE customers above those of non-VCE customers?

Commercial, Agricultural & Industrial Customers

What if I have multiple business or agricultural accounts?
What if I have existing direct access arrangements or special PG&E rates?

Solar & NEM Customers

Learn More on our Solar Customer page.

When will I become a VCE customer?
What is my PG&E solar NEM True-Up date?
Do I have to wait to enroll in VCE if I am a PG&E solar NEM customer?
When is my True-Up date?
What are solar credits?
What if I installed solar after June 2018?
Will my billing change?
Are there benefits to being a VCE NEM customer?


What is Valley Clean Energy (VCE)?
How is VCE governed?

SMUD Agreement

What is VCE’s agreement with SMUD?
What is SMUD?
Why did SMUD want to work with VCE?
Is this an annexation of VCE into SMUD?
How is SMUD managed?
What makes SMUD different than other utility providers?

PG&E Bankruptcy Filing

What is PG&E’s role when it comes to VCE (and other CCAs in California)?
What happens now that PG&E filed for bankruptcy protection?
Has PG&E’s current situation resulted in any impacts to VCE?
Will there be additional fees added to rates to pay for the wildfires?
Does VCE support a state or local takeover of PG&E?

If your question isn’t included, please contact us. We’ll be happy to help.

Another great resource for “all things CCE” is the California Community Choice Association, or CalCCA. Their mission is to create a legislative and regulatory environment that supports the development and long-term sustainability of locally-run CCA electricity providers, to protect energy choice in California.The CalCCA website is filled with information about the universe of Community Choice programs in the state of California, including data and articles that might interest you.


When it comes to the world of electricity, it can sometimes feel like you need a dictionary to keep track of the acronyms and terminology you see and hear.

If you’re feeling unclear about something, please visit our Glossary of Terms to view our downloadable PDF.