Interactive Bill

  1. Customer Account Number
    You will need this number when upgrading to VCE UltraGreen or opting out of VCE service.
  2. PG&E Delivery Charges
    PG&E charges you to deliver electricity over their existing transmission lines and to maintain infrastructure. This includes other fees to support customer service and billing.
  3. VCE Generation Charge
    This charge covers Valley Clean Energy’s cost of purchasing clean electricity for customers.
  4. Total Amount Due
    The total amount you pay to PG&E includes their service and VCE’s, for your convenience.
  1. Your Electric Charges Breakdown
    This summary of charges includes electric generation, distribution and other fees and taxes that fund regional or statewide programs, such as assistance and efficiency rebates.
  1. Service Agreement ID
    A service agreement documents your particular arrangement with PG&E (including billing days, metering information, and other factors) in order to calculate applicable charges. For customers with multiple meters under a single PG&E account, each meter will have a unique Service Agreement ID number.
  2. Tier Usage
    This indicates the highest rate tier for which you are being charged. If your electric use is more than your Tier 1 Allowance (which is set by state law) and crosses into Tier 2 or beyond, the price you pay per kWh will increase.
  3. Generation Credit
    Since you are purchasing generated electricity from VCE instead of PG&E, you are credited back this amount by PG&E. There are no duplicate charges.
  4. Power Charge Indifference Adjustment
    PG&E charges Valley Clean Energy customers a Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA), which is calculated based on the number of kilowatt-hours used each month. The PCIA is intended to ensure that VCE customers pay the difference between what PG&E paid for power contracted to serve them prior to their switch, and the current market value of that power. The PCIA charge is credited back to you in VCE’s billing.
  5. Franchise Fee Surcharge
    The Franchise Fee is collected from PG&E to cover costs associated with rights to use public streets to provide gas and electric service. The franchise fee is factored into VCE’s rate setting process.
  1. ESP Customer Number
    This is your Energy Service Provider (ESP) Customer number for VCE.
  2. Rate Schedule
    This is your rate schedule determined by PG&E.
  3. Power Charge Indifference Adjustment (PCIA) Credit
    This credits back to you the PCIA charge from PG&E, shown in their section of the bill on the previous page.
  4. Energy Comission Tax
    This fee is collected on behalf of the California Energy Commission and applies to all customers, regardless of service provider. The California legislature established the Energy Commission tax in 1975. The tax provides additional funding for the California Energy Commission.