We’re Getting Charged Up!
More public electric vehicle charging stations are coming our way… soon!
According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), motor vehicles (with combustion engines) were the greatest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions in 2019, at 29%. Fossil fuels used for electricity were the second highest contributor, at 25%.
That’s precisely why Valley Clean Energy partnered with the City of Davis in 2018 to apply for a Green Region grant authorized by the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) to help “Electrify Yolo” through access to electric vehicle charging stations. Woodland, Winters and unincorporated Yolo County joined the project prior to grant submittal in late 2018. In December 2019, SACOG approved the grant of nearly $3M.

The regional Electrify Yolo project is for installation of electric vehicle charging stations for public use, encouraging conversion from combustion engines to EVs and helping the local transportation system reduce emissions while encouraging efficiency. The Green Region Program focuses on public/private partnerships that share similar goals—in this case, reducing vehicle miles traveled and improving air quality in each region.
Despite delays encountered due to COVID constraints, the design and construction of EV charging stations throughout the region is moving forward. All projects are planned for completion by December 31, 2023.
Formal agreements have been signed with the Cities of Davis, Winters, and Woodland, and unincorporated Yolo County for installations. To date, plans include:
- City of Davis projects
- City of Woodland: 1 charging station downtown
- Unincorporated Yolo County: 7 sites under assessment
- City of Winters: 2 charging stations installed Summer 2021