If income issues are making it hard to make ends meet, there are several California state program resources that might help. Financial assistance programs range from help with paying bills to grants for energy efficiency upgrades and electric vehicles.
I need information about:
- Help With Electricity Bills
- One-time Bill Assistance
- Monthly Discount Programs
- Payment Plans
- Energy Efficiency
- Electric Vehicle Purchase Or Lease
- Financial / Housing Relief

If You’re Late with Electricity Bill Payments
If you are behind on payments for electricity or gas bills, you may be eligible for debt forgiveness through the Arrearage Management Plan (AMP). AMP is a new state program that offers debt forgiveness when payments are paid on time. It is a statewide program administered through PG&E.

Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
This state-funded program offers assistance to eligible low-income households (both renters and homeowners) with payment of utility bills, weatherizing homes, and energy-related repairs.
Relief for Energy Assistance through Community Help (REACH)
This donation program gives income-qualified customers financial assistance during times of hardship. REACH provides a single energy credit each year for up to $300, based on a past due bill.
If you are a CARE, FERA or Medical Baseline customer, you will now receive an additional 2.5% discount on electricity generation from VCE as a credit on your bill.

California Alternate Rates for Energy Program (CARE)
Did you know that Yolo County is one of the top 10 counties in CA with most eligible customers not enrolled in CARE? This State program offers a monthly discount of 30%-35% on electricity and 20% on gas. It’s a statewide discount program administered by PG&E for customers who qualify through income guidelines or are enrolled in select public assistance programs.
Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA)
This statewide program administered by PG&E offers an 18% discount on electricity only. This discount is for households of three or more people who meet the income guidelines.
Medical Baseline Allowance
Medical Baseline is an assistance program for qualifying residential customers who have medical conditions that require special energy needs. Be sure to check the details—a number of devices you might not expect, such as CPAP (sleep apnea) machines, qualify!

Payment Arrangement Plans
Did you know that you can schedule payments of your current balance over several months to help temporary financial strains? This plan offers up to 12 scheduled installments for any VCE customer.
Arrearange Management Plan (AMP)
If you’re enrolled in the CARE or FERA program and o we at least $500 in past utility bills, are more than 90 days late with payments, and have made at least 1 payment on time, you may qualify for this debt forgiveness plan. Up to $8,000 is available per qualifying customer.

Energy Savings Assistance Program
This program provides income-eligible customers with free energy savings improvements for their homes.

Clean Vehicle Assistance Program
This program provides grants and affordable financing to help income-qualified Californians purchase a new or used hybrid or electric vehicle.

90-Day Grace Period for Mortgages
The state of California is sponsoring a 90-day moratorium on mortgage payments to borrowers who have been economically impacted by COVID-19.
MoreIf You’re Late with Electricity Bill Payments
With each on-time payment of current charges, AMP will forgive 1/12 of the eligible debt you owed at the time of enrollment. When you have made 12 on-time payments, your eligible debt will be forgiven up to a maximum amount of $8,000.
Eligibility Requirements:
Valley Clean Energy (VCE) customers are eligible if they:
- Are enrolled in the CARE or FERA financial assistance program – if you are not currently enrolled in CARE or FERA, it only takes a few minutes to sign up, and eligibility is based on current earnings and not past income.
- Owe at least $500 on combined gas/electric bill
- Are more than 90 days past due in payments
- Have been a VCE customer for at least 6 months
- Have made at least one on-time payment
Net Energy Metering (NEM) customers are not currently eligible to participate in AMP.
How to Enroll:
Call PG&E Customer Service at 1-800-743-5000 or visit www.pge.com/amp for more information. Customers will receive notification from PG&E to confirm enrollment within 1-3 business days, if approved.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
One-time emergency financial assistance and cash grants may be offered as part of LIHEAP to help pay utility bills if you have already received a 24- or 48-hour service termination, or a disconnection notice. Eligibility can also be considered for a household facing an energy-related crisis or life-threatening emergency.
Learn more and apply hereRelief for Energy Assistance through Community Help (REACH)
To qualify, customers must have received either a 15-day or 48-hour disconnection notice and customer income must not exceed the REACH income guidelines (same as CARE guidelines). Energy credit support is subject to funding availability.
Learn more and apply through PG&ECalifornia Alternate Rates for Energy Program (CARE)
Customers must renew eligibility every two years or every four years if you’re on a fixed income. Signing up only takes a few minutes, and current earnings (not past income) are considered for eligibility. VCE customers are eligible for this state-funded program and must apply or reapply through PG&E. If a customer does not qualify for the CARE program, they may still qualify for the FERA program. Review the income guidelines table below.
You can learn more hereFamily Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA)
Customers must renew eligibility every two years. VCE customers are eligible for this state-funded program and must apply through PG&E. Review the income guidelines table below.
You can learn more hereMedical Baseline Allowance
Residents that qualify for Medical Baseline receive an allowance of discounted electricity every month. The discount allows approximately 500 kWh of electricity and/or 25 therms of gas at the lowest rate each month based on the customer’s medical condition and/or medical device. This year, customers applying for the program do not need a doctor’s signature so it’s easier than ever to apply. Additionally, devices that you may not expect could qualify, including some CPAP machines for sleep apnea. VCE customers eligible for Medical Baseline must apply or reapply through PG&E.
You can learn more hereEnergy Savings Assistance Program
Improvements can include replacing your refrigerator, repairing or replacing your furnace or water heater and installing insulation, weatherproofing, energy efficient light bulbs, caulking, low-flow showerheads and more. Income eligibility follows the same guidelines as those for CARE.
Learn more or apply through PG&EDriving Clean Assistance Program
Applicants must:
● have a valid California driver’s license
● be 18 years of age or older
● have the ability to repay loans and cover expenses
● have verifiable income (up to 400% of poverty level)
● not be currently in or planning to file for bankruptcy
Clean Vehicle Assistance Program
California residents who meet the income threshold may qualify for this grant program.
Learn more and apply through the Clean Vehicle Assistance Program:CA Emergency Rental Assistance Program
This program is available to households with incomes at or below 80% of the Area Median Income.
For rental and owner information and applications90-Day Grace Period for Mortgages
The forbearance agreements require that the full amount that was suspended or reduced be repaid in full, in addition to resuming regular payments.
To learn more or applyInternet Subsidy
The program will also provide a one-time discount of up to $100 on a computer or tablet for eligible households.
To be eligible, at least one member of the household must meet one of the following criteria:
● Qualify for the FCC’s Lifeline program, including those that are on Medicaid or accept SNAP
● Receive benefits under the free and reduced-price school lunch or breakfast program.
● Has lost a job and seen income reduced in the last year.
● Has received a Federal Pell Grant.
Payment Arrangement Plans
Spread your existing balance out over several months.
Learn more and apply through PG&EArrearange Management Plan(AMP)
Not available for sub-metered customers; must make 12 months of full payments; up to 2 missing payment allowed, if not consecutive.
Learn more and apply through PG&E