VCE is working towards a clean energy future.
VCE is committed to developing higher levels of renewable energy and low levels of carbon for the communities it serves. We’ve developed contracts with renewable power sources in and around Yolo County, bringing more green collar jobs wherever possible.
Here’s where our renewable energy and storage is — and will be — coming from.
Renewable Energy
Renewable energy comes from sources that are constantly replenished naturally. Using renewable sources for electricity produces no additional carbon emissions. Some sources even provide environmental advantages—such as solar farms that are constructed with pollinator-friendly habitats, and economic advantages—creating new local jobs for their construction and operation.
The renewable sources in VCE’s current electricity mix include solar, wind, biomass, bio-waste, geothermal, and small hydroelectric. Large-scale hydroelectric is not considered to be renewable by the California Energy Commission due to its lasting impacts on ecosystems.
Carbon-free Energy
In contrast to fossil fuels, carbon-free energy creates no carbon emissions when generating electricity. All of VCE’s renewable energy sources are carbon-free. But not all carbon-free energy is considered renewable.
For example, nuclear energy contains virtually no carbon but is not considered renewable—the disposal of hazardous nuclear waste often disproportionately affects indigenous lands, waters, and communities. So while both renewable and carbon-free sources help us to curb the greenhouse gas emissions associated with climate change, renewables have fewer environmental impacts.

Totals Contracted for Since 2018:
• 243 MW Renewables
• 128 MW BESS*
• 7 MW Demand Response
Power Resource Contracts
50 MW PV-only
(approx. 130,000 MWhs)
online now
Solar PV + Storage Project
(approx. 7,600 MWhs)
online now
2.9 MW small hydro
(approx. 6,000 MWhs)
online now
VCE Share is 2.5 MW
online now
VCE share is 7 MW
online now
Solar PV + Storage Project
90 MW (PV)/75 MW BESS*
(approx. 250,000+ MWhs)
online now
(formerly Willow Springs Solar 3)
Kern County
Solar PV + Storage Project
72 MW (PV)/36 MW BESS*
(approx. 215,000+ MWhs) online now; BESS Q1 2025
Yolo County
Solar PV + Storage Project
13 MW/13 MW BESS**
(approx. 50,000 MWhs)
anticipated online Q2 2026
VCE Share 2.9 MW
anticipated online Q2 2026
San Diego County
VCE Share 2.25 MW
anticipated online Q2 2028
Esmeralda County, NV
VCE Share 0.42 MW
(approx. 3,460 MWhs)
anticipated online spring 2026
Geothermal – NV & CA
VCE Share 4.63 MW
(approx. 35,380 MWhs)
anticipated online Q4 2027
**Battery Energy Storage System (5 hrs)