In our Opinion
We all have strong opinions about energy—for today and tomorrow. Here are some of ours, offered by the VCE Board members and Community Advisory Committee members.

June 2023
A Look Back on 5 Years of Service
Valley Clean Energy is proud to be the clean electricity provider for Yolo County. Over the past five years we’ve grown to serve over 60,000 customers and fulfilled our mission
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June 2023
10 Budget-Friendly Ways to Make Your Home Energy Efficient for Summer
Have you ever noticed that your home seems to hold in heat during the summer? Is your air conditioner constantly running to keep your home cool? Not only can energy
(read more)May 2023
Stacking Electric Vehicle Rebates Can Make EVs Accessible
Electric vehicles (EVs) are fun to drive, simple to charge, and cost less to fuel and maintain – not to mention being better for the environment, especially when powered by
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May 2023
Income-qualified Valley Clean Energy Customers May Benefit from California Electric Bicycle Incentive Program Coming Soon
Our region is a demonstrated leader in fostering bicycling as an alternative method of transportation. As the first city in the nation to legislate and standardize bike lanes, Davis is
(read more)December 2020
By Jesse Loren, Winters City Council member and VCE Board member
Starting in January, Winters residents and businesses will take a giant step toward a more sustainable energy future as the
(read more)June 2020
In Celebration of VCE’s 2-year Anniversary
As Valley Clean Energy reaches its two-year anniversary, memories of my role in its formation keep popping into my head.
Way back in 2002, it was my job as a lobbyist representing a statewide association of cities to advocate on behalf of cities before the California Legislature. This included the legislation that became law and authorizes cities and counties to buy electricity on behalf of their residents and businesses.
(read more)January 2020
The end of each calendar year offers an opportunity to sit back and reflect on the goals reached over the past 12 months and to look forward to a new
(read more)September 2019
A Reflection on High Summer Utility Bills
It’s been a long hot summer, but those cool autumn days aren’t too far off… And thanks to Valley Clean Energy, local electricity customers are not paying any more to run their air-conditioners than they would have paid under PG&E. At the same time, they are reaping the environmental benefits of a greener energy portfolio.
Community choice programs like VCE can keep their rates competitive by buying electricity through a process that encourages private energy companies to compete to provide clean, renewable power.
(read more)June 2019
Community Choice Energy: One Part of the Solution to Climate Change
Climate change is here. The impacts are becoming ever more serious. Fossil fuel combustion is the main cause. We need to lower Greenhouse Gas Emissions rapidly. Community Choice Energy programs such as VCEA can be part of the solution.
Sea level rise, increased drought and floods, higher temperatures and more devastating wildfires are among a number of indicators that have been telling us for quite a number of years that climate change is impacting our lives, our health and our ecosystems.
(read more)March 2019
It’s Time for Smart Cities and Counties to Provide Smart Energy
Yolo County, Davis and Woodland have taken an important first step by creating Valley Clean Energy. VCE has a legislatively mandated responsibility to buy and resell wholesale electricity. It is importing higher-renewable-content electricity for the communities it serves at costs competitive with PG&E’s electricity imports.
It has an opportunity to do more, i.e., bring clean local energy resources on stream, strengthening local economies in the process. This will require keeping rates competitive with PG&E’s and having money left over to source more clean electricity locally.
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