A Flexible Irrigation Pilot Program for Agriculture

The Innovative AgFIT Pilot Program Launched May 1, 2022

VCE’s AgFIT Pilot is now closed, but customers may be eligible to participate in the Hourly Flex Pricing Pilot, which was created as an expansion of the original AgFIT Pilot, and launched January 1, 2025. For more information, see the Hourly Flex Pricing webpage here: https://valleycleanenergy.org/programs/hourly-flex-pricing/.

The AgFIT Pilot Program provides growers with incentives for irrigation automation and uses scheduling software, to better manage energy costs. Energy prices are visible a week in advance and it’s easy to take advantage of low prices when conditions on the power grid are right.

Program Benefits Include:

  • Automation Incentives of up to $150 per HP are available for automation technology upgrades that improve irrigation operations and reduce costs.
  • Savings – Irrigating when power is least expensive. Never pay more in the program than on your original tariff.
  • Simplicity – The program uses an intuitive app that helps you easily plan your schedule, to take advantage of clearly stated prices that are published in advance. There are no penalties, no demand charges, and no clawbacks.
  • Flexibility – Work with Polaris to receive their irrigation technology, or with anyone else you choose. You can use a system that’s automated, remote/manual, or fully manual. You decide what works best for you.

For more information from VCE’s Pilot partner Polaris Energy Services, please contact: (530) 309-1001 or email AgFIT@polarisenergyservices.com.