Summary: Responding to rising PG&E rates, Valley Clean Energy now offers a 10% discount on electricity for income-qualified customers and 5% for all other customers.
Keeping with its commitment to expand access to affordable clean energy, Valley Clean Energy (VCE) announced that it is providing additional discounts to all customers as on-bill credits, starting January 1, 2025. With these discounts, VCE customers are projected to save $6.25 million in 2025 compared to what they would have paid PG&E. On top of the savings, VCE has built one of the state’s cleanest electricity portfolios – more than 70% renewable energy from long-term contracts in 2025.
PG&E, which delivers the electricity VCE purchases for its customers, has raised its rates six times in the past 12 months. In response, Yolo County’s local public power agency is offering unprecedented discounts: a 10% discount for customers who qualify for programs such as CARE, FERA, and Medical Baseline Allowance; and a 5% discount for all other customers. VCE customers will see the discounts applied directly to their monthly utility bills, starting with their January statements.
“VCE shares our customers’ concerns on the rising cost of basic needs,” says Lucas Frerichs, Chair of VCE’s Board of Directors. “We are proud to be able to put money back in our customers’ pockets because VCE is financially sound – and as a not-for-profit public agency, we can give back to our customers instead of paying shareholders. Our mission has always been to reinvest revenues back into our communities, and our new rate discounts are just one way VCE demonstrates our commitment to clean energy access for all customers.”
Frerichs adds that VCE is not slowing down on meeting its other financial goals and commitments, such as an investment-grade credit rating in 2025. The agency is also pursuing a goal of generating 100% of its electricity from fossil-free sources by 2030. VCE will continue to fund customer incentives and programs that promote electric transportation and energy efficiency, making the transition to electric more affordable for customers.
About Valley Clean Energy
Valley Clean Energy — or VCE — is the public electricity provider for residential and commercial customers in Woodland, Winters, Davis, and unincorporated Yolo County. We’re a not-for-profit public agency, which means that we’re working 100% for our customers. VCE keeps program control and revenues right here at home, where we can create jobs and build local clean energy projects. We reinvest dollars to boost our local economy while taking control of our clean energy future. More information is available at