Do you qualify for a FERA discount?

Don’t miss out on your utility rate discount

Yolo County, CA, April 21, 2020 – The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on everyone in our communities. Some are able to shelter in place, work from home, and continue to get a paycheck. Others are working in the community and providing services to others—sometimes at personal risk. Some have been laid off from their jobs and are having trouble paying their bills for rent, food and utilities.

If your income has suffered in the past months, we’re urging you to check on your eligibility for a utility rate discount during these trying times.

California utilities provides rate discounts to income-qualifying customers. Throughout Yolo County, these programs include the California Alternate Rate for Energy Program (CARE), which provides a discount of 20% or more on electricity and natural gas, and Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA), which provides an 18% discount on electricity charges. Valley Clean Energy and PG&E offer the same special rates.

If your income has changed significantly due to COVID-19, you may now be eligible for these rates. Even if you weren’t able to qualify before, it’s possible that recent income reductions now allow you to join the program.

“These rate discounts will help our customers during this time of crisis,” says Valley Clean Energy board chair and Yolo County Supervisor Don Saylor. “We hope all qualified customers will apply for these rates through PG&E. Valley Clean Energy is proud to honor the same discount.”

“The rate discounts are available to all eligible PG&E and VCE customers,” adds VCE vice-chair and Davis City Council member, Dan Carson. “We are committed to supporting our communities throughout this pandemic.”

Remember that PG&E has placed a moratorium on utility shut-offs due to late payments during this pandemic. We’re working together to keep the lights on.

For more information and to apply, visit