Opt out

Are you sure?

The choice to remain with VCE or to opt out is yours, of course. But before you go, we want to make sure you realize a couple of important things:

  • As a VCE customer, you pay less for electricity than you would with PG&E.
  • VCE gives you local control over your electricity supply.
  • As a not-for-profit agency, we don’t have shareholders who take our profits. Instead our revenues go back into community programs that serve YOU.

But if you decide to opt out of VCE and stay with PG&E’s generation service, you can simply fill out the form on this page or call us at 1-855-699-8232. If you opt out, you’ll be subject to PG&E’s terms and conditions, and won’t be able to return to VCE for one year. We’ll miss you—and you’ll miss out on the local programs and greenhouse gas savings.

Please have your bill handy for easy reference to your account number.