En Nuestra Opinión
Esta página mostrará OpEds y Blogs de los miembros del Consejo de la Ciudad, miembros de CAC, etc.

El poder de tu dinero: Cómo el dinero que pagas se reinvierte en tu comunidad
Si has echado un vistazo a tu factura de electricidad recientemente, es posible que hayas notado que las tarifas han aumentado. ¿Alguna vez te has preguntado a dónde
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3 maneras en las que puedes marcar la diferencia en el Día Nacional de la Energía Renovable
La energía renovable va más allá de simplemente elegir solar y eólica versus carbón. Lo que realmente implica es crear más trabajos y, sobre todo, trabajos más saludables para nuestra
(read more)Diciembre de 2020
Comenzando en enero, los residentes y comercios de Winters tomarán un paso gigantesco hacia un futuro de energía más sostenible conforme la
(read more)Abril de 2019
Es hora de que las ciudades y los condados inteligentes provean energía inteligente
Yolo County, Davis and Woodland have taken an important first step by creating Valley Clean Energy. VCE has a legislatively mandated responsibility to buy and resell wholesale electricity. It is importing higher-renewable-content electricity for the communities it serves at costs competitive with PG&E’s electricity imports.
It has an opportunity to do more, i.e., bring clean local energy resources on stream, strengthening local economies in the process. This will require keeping rates competitive with PG&E’s and having money left over to source more clean electricity locally.
(read more)Enero de 2019
Un año nuevo
A new year offers a clean slate — a chance to celebrate achievements, assess the challenges of the past and start the new year with fresh energy.
Our biggest achievement in 2018 was the launch of Valley Clean Energy (VCE), our local public electricity program. With years of planning and lots of community support, we officially started serving the cities of Woodland and Davis and unincorporated Yolo County last June. Over the last 6 months VCE has been providing greener energy, customer choice, local control and reinvestment in the community.
(read more)Diciembre de 2018
Cargos por cancelación de PG&E
In a disappointing decision, the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) recently voted to approve increases to the “exit fees” charged to Valley Clean Energy (VCE) customers by PG&E. Valley Clean Energy is our official locally governed electricity provider, bringing cleaner energy at competitive rates to Davis, Woodland, and unincorporated Yolo County. It began serving 55,000 customer accounts this past June.
The decision by the CPUC to raise the exit fee affects all 19 community choice aggregation (CCA) programs in the state, including VCE.
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